Time Left for Presale to Start
Why Join the Cosmo Jackpot ICO?
Total Raise Target: 1,000,000 $S
Minimum Buy: 100 $S
No Maximum Buy Limit
Duration: 1 Week
(or until the hard cap is reached)Hard Cap: 1,000,000 $S
Soft Cap: 300,000 $S
Ticket Purchase
- Users buy tickets using $S, after ticket is purchased NFT as ticket number is minted to the user.
- Each ticket costs 10 $S.
Automated Lottery Draws
- Every 4 hours, tickets are sold.
- After sales close, a 30-minute period is allotted for drawing winners.
- 1-hour cooling period before next round.
Winner Selection
(Chainlink VRF Integration)- 10 winners are randomly chosen per round.
- 25% of the total ticket pool is distributed among winners.
Refund System
(Loss Protection)- 75% of ticket price refunded to losing participants.
- This ensures users don't lose everything if they don't win.
Security & Transparency
- All transactions and lottery logic are on-chain and verifiable.
- Funds are securely handled by smart contracts.
Prize Distribution & Fees
- Winners must claim rewards via the dApp.